Dainty Acupuncture
Dainty Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
TCM views the body as a micro-cosmic system, much like the environment, where homeostasis is the ultimate goal. Illness occurs when this system is out of balance. With the use of Acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas, the body can be brought back into balance. In order to determine your Chinese medical diagnosis, we ask questions regarding every bodily system, check pulses and look at the tongue. This gives a complete picture and allows us to treat you as a whole. By doing this, not only are symptoms alleviated, but your "core," constitutional aspects are brought into balance, allowing for recovery and preventative care.
Once your Chinese medical diagnosis is determined, the acupuncture points are chosen. There are more than 350 acupuncture points to choose from, and each has it’s own therapeutic value. The acupuncture needle serves as a conduit to either tonify a deficiency or disperse an excess of qi from a particular point or meridian. Qi can be thought of as the body's vital energy, which circulates throughout the body in merdians. Meridians are the "freeways" in the body, which intersect organs, tissues, and other circulatory systems. Small, sterile and disposable acupuncture needles are placed along the meridians which correspond to the system that is experiencing disharmony.
Herbal Medicine
Chinese medicinal herbs can be used to effectively and safely treat a large number of conditions. Chinese herbal formulas are a balanced blend of herbs from a pharmacopeia of more than 500 single herbs. The classic herbal formulas are modified to suit the needs of each patient by adding or subtracting ingredients. Formulas are carefully balanced in order to alleviate any side effects. While alleviating symptoms, the underlying inbalance is also treated, allowing for complete recovery and preventing further illness. The herbal formula can be in the form of capsules, granules, teas and topical applications. When creating your personal formula, your practitioner will consider the most effective and manageable method of delivery for you. To avoid potentially harmful herb/drug interactions, it is important to inform your practitioner of any medications you are taking.
A word about herbs...Some doctors disuade their patients from using herbs. However, under the care of a licensed herbalist, herbs are safe and effective. We are happy to answer any questions you or your other providers may have, in order to provide comprehensive care.
Cupping is the application of small cups on the skin via suction. This therapy enhances the superficial circulation, and is particularly useful in treating pain associated with arthritis or minor sprains. Cupping is also indicated in some cases of lung disease, such as cough and asthma. Although the procedure itself is painless, please be advised that cupping therapy will leave a mark resembling a bruise on the skin for a period of time ranging from three days to two weeks.
Moxibustion is a dried herbal preparation, which is often rolled in paper, and looks like a cigar. The moxa roll is burned as a way of applying heat over acupuncture points, or over a general area of the body, such as the abdomen. Moxibustion is said to relieve pain and fatigue caused by cold or overwork, and is used as a preventative measure.